“What voices and perspectives can we invite in to better inform needed changes?”
Watch our 5-minute video about court user feedback
Watch our 5-minute video about court user feedback *
Book rec:
Buy this book from Emily’s former colleague Judge Victoria Pratt.
We think you’ll love it -- but if you don’t, we’ll buy your copy back from you. Just ask.
High-performing agencies value feedback about their performance.
Within justice agencies, there’s never been a more critical time to ask for and use that feedback to understand how and where “justice” is happening.
real-time FEEDBACK
Thanks to low-cost technology tools, agency leaders have new options to give voice to and learn from participants and other user groups. (“You mean a survey?" No, not exactly.)
Download a toolkit about getting feedback from court users
Or read the shorter project overview here.
“Evaluating the Impact of Virtual Proceedings in Family Law Matters” in partnership with the A2J Lab at Harvard Law School (2022-2024)
As part of a randomized control trial comparing in-person hearings and remote hearings, we collected feedback from over 100 self-represented litigants in their family law matters. This feedback will be analyzed alongside a range of administrative court data in an effort to explore the nuanced pros and cons of remote appearances.
Check out some early insights from the project, published October 2023.
“Court Voices Project” (2021-2022)
Over 6 months in 2021, twelve pilot courts collected feedback from nearly 4.300 court users, plus additional feedback from court staff.
Learn more at the project webpage.
“We Want to Hear from You!” Pilot in Texas Municipal Courts (2020)
Over 3 months in 2020 — in the height of the pandemic — seven courts collected feedback from over 1.900 court users.
Download the project toolkit.
Sample feedback questions:
Did the court treat you fairly today? / ¿Le trató el tribunal justamente hoy?
Did the court listen to your questions and concerns today?
What recommendations do you have for improving our court?
Would you have rather handled your court business online today?
Feedback tools include tablet kiosks, links within staff email signatures, QR codes, and more — none of which requires much oversight from already over-worked staff.
We know system participants care about fairness so let’s ask them how we’re doing on that front!
Impact advisors
LaGratta Consulting is proud to partner with “impact advisors” from groups like the National Justice Impact Bar Association. As a complement to local feedback, national impact advisors can share invaluable lived experience about their own prior contact with the justice system and bring new perspectives to improvement efforts.
Contact us about connecting with an impact advisor to guide your next local or national project.
Community forums
Community forums are another way to give voice and inform needed changes. Community members want to - and expect to - be heard and provide input into local policies and practices, and yet many justice agencies don’t feel equipped to participate in or facilitate productive community forums. Here’s a tool to get you started.