Pilot efforts & evaluation expand the field’s knowledge base about what works (and what doesn’t).

We design and co-lead interventions with local and state-level agencies to change practice and measure change. Our intervention efforts generally include one or both of these trust-building components: collecting feedback from key users and training & implementation of trust-building practices. Pilot partnerships start by listening to staff about their priorities and needs, then exploring existing efforts and opportunities for enhancement.

Recent projects and partnerships:

  • Association of Prosecuting Attorneys Elevating Trust & Legitimacy Project, a multi-year pilot effort to co-design procedural justice practices within prosecutor’s offices, with an emphasis on gun violence response efforts

  • Court Voices Project, which collected and analyzed court user and court staff feedback across 12 pilot courts

  • CNA Jail Climate and Legitimacy study, a multi-year evaluation of procedural justice training for jail corrections officers and leadership

  • Evaluating the Impact of Virtual Proceedings in Family Law Matters study in partnership with Access to Justice Lab at Harvard Law School, 3rd Judicial District Court of Utah, and the State Justice Institute

  • Yale Justice Collaboratory Concord Project, a training intervention and study with corrections staff and leadership at the Connecticut Department of Correction

We invited some past partners and other trust-building experts to share their thoughts on what trust-building looks like and why it's important.